Electronic Certificates


A certification hierarchy consists of a hierarchical structure of CA's starting from a root CA (self-signed), which signs certificates of intermediate CAs and lists of revoked certificates of intermediate CAs (ARL's). At each level, there is one or more intermediate CA's that sign end-entity certificates, and certificate revocation lists (CRL'S).

The PKI managed by ANF AC follows a vertical Certification Hierarchy in accordance with the document IETF RFC 4158 “Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure: Certification Path Building”. The Certification Path is built from the Root Certificate of the Certification Authority.

ANF Certification Authority, as stated in its Certification Practices Statement, it has the root CA and intermediate CA certificates that are detailed below:

Raíz – ANF Global Root CA
valid until 05/06/2033




Raíz – ANF Global Root CA
valid until 15/05/2036




Raíz – ANF Secure Server Root CA
valid until 10/01/2039