

Moodle platform administration and customization

Distance learning has revolutionized the education sector, reducing costs and making it possible to create interactive content. Accessibility is guaranteed 365x7x24, Web video master classes, online tutorials and all this, without limitation of the type of terminal (PC, o Tablet, or SmartPhone).

The Moodle platform is one of the major players in the eLearning world. It is an open source project created in 2001. Thousands of developers participate in its maintenance, updating it with the most advanced technology available at all times.

After almost 20 years of development, Moodle has acquired an enormous potential that makes its administration requires expert knowledge and powerful servers capable of assuming all the processing capacity that Moodle requires. This presupposes significant investments in human and material resources. ANF Certification Authority not only has the capacity to manage, administer and customize Moodle, but we have also achieved full interoperability with all ANF Certification Authority products and services, authentication credentials, electronic signature, TimeStamping, certified delivery, etc.

The eLearning Campus can host courses developed by experts in each subject, or upload resources from third parties with whom the corresponding agreement of respect for intellectual property is subscribed.

ANF Certification Authority, except for courses on electronic certification (LFE, and LSSI), does not provide training courses. All resources are available to be exploited by third parties: training centers, academies, corporations or public institutions.

Is the eLearning Campus accredited and are the courses eligible for subsidies?

ANF Certification Authority is registered under number 5955 in the Register of Training Entities, the eLearning Campus complies with the requirements established by FUNDAE and, therefore, the training provided in this eLearning Campus is classified as training for employment by the State Foundation for Employment Training (subsidizable - it is effective through bonuses in Social Security contributions).

Can the eLearning Campus be customized with my organization's branding?

Yes, ANF Certification Authority offers this platform in SaaS (software as a service) mode. This is the well-known software distribution model based in the cloud and centralized in servers with exclusive dedication and high availability. We provide the human and technical resources necessary for each need:

  • Training centers. Focusing their attention on the commercialization of courses and student tutoring.
  • Training of our own personnel. Focusing your attention on the organization of calendars and authorization of attendees. ANF Certificaction Authority will provide content, teachers, tutors, including final exam and evidence of attendance for FUNDAE bonus.

Can ANF Certification Authority handle the training subsidy process?

Yes, we will provide you with the evidence of training attendance, and we will process the subsidy files for you. Our legal department will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Can ANF Certification Authority perform the exams and issue the training diplomas?

Yes, ANF Certification Authority SL has the experience and capacity to conduct examinations and accredit the acquisition of knowledge.

For more information, please fill out the form below or contact our customer service.

    To process your request, ANF Certification Authority needs your personal data. In accordance with current legislation on data protection, we inform you,

    Data controller: ANF Certification Authority
    Purpose: Registration and management of your job application.
    Rights: You have the right to information, access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, limitation and portability, see additional information.
    Additional information:

    I accept the privacy policy..