Certified scanning platform
Designed and Developed by ANF Certification Authority, our certified scanning software has been approved by the Tax Agency (AEAT), since 2007. It is prepared for the dematerialization of tax documentation and includes, as required by AEAT, the entire process up to the inspection by Tax inspection authorities. Therefore, we make available to our clients not only the digitalization service, but also storage, custody and publication services, accompanied by an online search platform.

Great advantages for companies:
- IVA recovery.
- Reduction of invoices and ghost tickets that increase the company's expenses.
- Saving storage costs.
- Saving Transportation costs.
- Saving paper management costs.
- Availability of backup files.
- Limitation of access to documentation during Tax Inspections.
Wide range of possibilities
for all types of environments:
- API for the usage of the service through third parties.
- Possibility of installing the client platform.
- Possibility of having the platform in mobile version.
- Possibility of connecting web platform with mobile application.
Legal Quality Management Plan Snap Scan ®
The Quality Management Plan is the process approved by the Director of the Tax Computing Department - AEAT provisions dated 26.11.2007, with reference 0B1F56D5A8E90CBB and its update version 2.1 (23.10.2017), in compliance with Order EHA 962 / 2007 and the Tax Agency Resolution of 24th October 2007.
Standards of reference:
- Order EHA / 962/2007, of April 10th of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, by which certain provisions on invoicing develop telematics and electronic preservation of invoices, contained in the Royal Decree 1496 / 2003 of 28th November are regulated and approved.
- Royal Decree 1624/1992, of December 29th, which approves the Regulation of Value Added Tax.
- Royal Decree 1619/2012, of November 30th, which approves the Regulation regulating billing obligations.
- AEAT Resolution of October 24th, 2007, of the State Tax Administration Agency, on the procedure for approving the software for the certified digitization of invoices set out in Order EHA/ 962/2007 of 10th April 2007.
- Resolution 2/2003, 14th February 2003, of the General direction of the State tax administration agency, regarding certain aspects related to telematic invoicing.
- Quality Management Plan approved by AEAT.
- General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 679/2016 (GDPR).
- ISO 27001, Information Security Management System.
- ISO 9001, Quality Management System.
- Regulation (EU) N°910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market (eIDAS) Regulation.
- ETSI (EU) standards trust services eIDAS.
Our Certified Digitization service can be accompanied by:
- IVA recovery.
- Data storage and publication services.
- ANF Certification Authority assumes the responsibility of preserving, guaranteeing the integrity and availability of the information and documents received, as well as restricting access to authorized personnel, and tax inspection.
- Online access service.
- Online download of the original documents received.
- Selective search for any of the data that should be reflected in the registration books regulated in articles 62 et seq. of Royal Decree 1624/1992, of December 29th.
- The printing on paper of those documents that are necessary for the purposes of the verification or documentation of the tax control actions, including the graphic marks PDF 417 required by the tax regulations.
- The files stored on the Web platform, contain the necessary information to be considered self-documented and self-sufficient.
- Tax inspection / audit platform.
- Creation and management of credentials for tax inspectors or auditors.
- Creation of credentials and schedule of inspection periods.
- The completion of temporary audit or tax inspection, with restriction by employee(s) or global code(s).

We must remember that certified digitalization allows the dematerialization of a document, replacing the traditional paper support by the electronic one, but the original document must be fiscally valid because a paper document that does not have fiscal validity cannot acquire it by being digitally certificate.