Our company

We want to improve our environment
We faithfully believe that a firm should pursue more than just the economic result, for the mere fact of having the opportunity to do so. Companies, as drivers of the economy and of the development of solutions and elements that satisfy the needs of society, have a really important role to play in it. We understand Corporate Responsibility from the point of view of the Triple Bottom Line philosophy, and as a set of efforts on the part of the company and its professionals.
The facts and actions that we carry out, must serve not only to grow and improve economic results, we consider our obligation to generate welfare in people, and health on the planet. We are proud to have a business vision that integrates business management and harmoniously, respect for ethical values, people, the community and the environment.
… our reason for being
Achieving a ZERO PAPER society is part of our DNA, and is one of the ultimate objectives of our investment in R+D+i. Our technology is moving towards a society in which paper is a thing of the past; the signing of contracts, submission of bids, signing of consents, digitalization of invoices... make both our customers and the planet save on the use of resources. Our solutions reduce any demand and consumption of resources to a minimum, improving the ecological footprint, both ours and our customers.