Easily create and send invoices in InvoiceE format.

Due to its low cost and ease of use, it is a solution especially suitable for the self-employed, micro and small companies. Distributed by our network of franchised agencies and consultancies. Ask us about the ones closest to your home.
For many, preparing and transmitting invoices for the Public Administration, public companies and large corporations is a real ordeal. In Legal Snap Scan ® we remove the superfluous and keep the essence, create the invoice, sign it and deliver it to the recipient.

Available in portable (Android), desktop (Windows) and Cloud versions.
Invoices won't make themselves, but Legal Snap Scan® automates:
- The transformation of the document into the format required by the addressee,
- Authenticates the document by means of an electronic signature,
- Transmits the document to the general FACe invoice entry point of each Public Administration and other entry points of Autonomous Regions, Provincial Councils or EELLs, as well as public companies and large corporations. And, in addition,
- It generates an Excel file for your agency.
Legal Snap Scan® is an ANF Certification Authority solution:
- Officially approved by Agencia Tributaria for Certified Scanning in accordance with the AEAT Resolution of 24 October 2007, click here
- Electronic invoicing service provider registered in FACe (Order PRE/2971/2007), click here
- Transformation of expense notes for VAT recovery, click here
- Preservation, custody and publication of documents authenticated by electronic signature. Qualified service in accordance with Regulation (EU) eIDAS, and Royal Decree 1619/2012.Click here
The FacturaE format is a text file that defines the fields of an invoice according to the XML format standards (it is designed to be processed by computer).
The first ebXML format for electronic invoices was promoted by ANF Certification Authority as president of the technical committee for Spain of the Universal Business Language (UBL) of the OASIS organisation.
OASIS was approved in 1999 by UN/CEFACT, the United Nations committee that deals with standards for business. In Spain, for political reasons, although it maintained the XML format, it did not follow the OASIS model, creating the FacturaE modality.
There are three specific requirements for electronic invoices to be sent to Public Administrations:
- They must be prepared in InvoiceE 3.2 or 3.2.1) format.
- They must be electronically signed.
- Specify the recipient of the electronic invoice. Delivery.
An XSIG is a signed XML file. The XML file contains the structured data of the reasoned report. When the XML file is signed, an XSIG file is generated that includes both the previous data and the signature of the same.
Law 25/2013, of 27 December, on the promotion of electronic invoicing and the creation of the accounting register of invoices in the Public Sector. Published in: "BOE" no. 311, 28/12/2013.